Tag: Avengers: Age of Ultron

Mark Rufalo teases fans about Hulk’s involvement in Avengers: Age of Ultron

11:20 AM EST 1/5/2015

Over the year, fans have been constantly teased about how Tony Star, aka Iron Man, appears to be regretting on creating Ultron but recently Mark Ruffalo breaks his silence as he teases fans on how his character also plays a part in the creation of the highly-intelligent robot.Read more

Five teasers Avengers 2 has yet to announce

3:51 PM EST 1/3/2015

Joss Whedon has been keeping secrets to unleash a massive sequel to the masses for the upcoming Marvel’s The Avengers: Age of Ultron.Read more

Avengers Age of Ultron: The Iconic Avengers Line-Up will be different at the end of the film

9:00 PM EST 12/27/2014

The Avengers are back! Earth’s mightiest heroes are assembling once again to protect the world.Read more

Captain America star Chris Evans cast as lovestruck writer in Playing It Cool

11:40 PM EST 12/19/2014

Before fans get to see Chris Evans reprise his iconic role as Captain America in Avengers: Age of Ultron which will hit the theaters May 1 next year, they can now watch him beginning this December 17 in the romantic comedy film Playing It Cool.Read more

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