
Pluto's First Ever Color Picture Revealed; Image was Taken by Spacecraft New Horizons

By Aishwarya | Apr 17, 2015 05:44 AM EDT

The color picture may seem blurry and far off but NASA has revealed the image taken by the spacecraft New Horizons of the far away planet Pluto as reported by Forbes news.

The photo shows Pluto with Charon, its largest moon which was successfully taken by color imager Ralph aboard New Horizons last April 9th from roughly 71 million miles away and can be compared to the distance between Venus and the sun.

New Horizons other historic event with the dwarf planet Pluto is when it will make a flyby come July 14th and will yield more images that will surely show the actual surface features of the planet.

According to the statement of astronaut and an associate administrator of NASA's Science Mission Directorate John Grunsfeld, there are already written scientific papers on Pluto and its moon's characteristics all based on space observations.  He said that Pluto was never been studied up close and this will be a monumental encounter so far.

During the flyby on July 14, it will definitely expand the knowledge on Pluto's system with exciting and wonderful discoveries expressed by Grunsfeld.

New Horizons is NASA's fastest spacecraft which was ever launched and it has already traveled for quite a long time and very farther away among all other spacecraft in history.  Its record shows that it has, for nine years, flown across more than 3 billion of miles just to reach its main target and this time it is the farthest planet on our Solar System, Pluto.

If the mission becomes successful, it will also be a possibility that New Horizons can go a little farther.  It can go to other undiscovered and mysterious planets and rocky asteroids on the Kuiper Belt and beyond the orbit of Neptune.

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